
Do Your Body Good Physical Wellness icon

Physical wellness means being physically active every day, eating a healthy and balanced diet, getting adequate sleep and making sure you have an annual checkup.

Road to Wellness by Waste Connections

Physical wellness is a balance of physical activity and nutrition that allows you to keep your body functioning at its best. Physical well being also includes the smooth running of all physical bodily functions the skeletomuscular system and the digestive, circulatory, and other systems. By following a successful path, you’ll enjoy physical benefits and psychological benefits as well such as greater self-esteem, self-control and just feeling great.

Adopting healthy habits while avoiding destructive ones like smoking or excessive alcohol will lead to optimal physical wellness and reduce your risk of becoming ill. Remember, achieving physical wellness doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be as fun as you want it to be. Physical activity is anything that makes you move your body and burn calories – climbing stairs, playing sports or chasing your kids in the park, it’s all good!


  • 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise
  • 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise
  • An easy goal to remember: 30 minutes a day, five times a week!
General exercise:
Brisk walking
Light to moderate calisthenics (for example, home exercises, back exercises, getting up and down from the floor)
Low-impact aerobic dancing
Jogging on a small trampoline
Weight lifting, body building, using a lot of effort
Light to moderate workouts on gym equipment like Nautilus or Universal machines or a rowing machine
Water exercises:
Treading water with moderate effort
Water aerobics or water calisthenics
Kayaking, canoeing, white-water rafting
Springboard or platform diving
Paddle boating
Outdoor activities:
Fishing and hunting
Playing with a Frisbee
Children’s games, like hopscotch, 4-square, and dodge ball
Playing on playground equipment
Downhill skiing
Shoveling snow
House and yard work:
Sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping floors
Washing the car with vigorous effort
Sweeping the garage, sidewalk, or patio
Washing the dog
Mowing or raking the lawn
Digging in the garden
General exercise:
Walking uphill, jogging or running
Heavy calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc.)
High impact aerobic dancing
Jumping rope
Using a stair-climber or skiing machine
Stationary bicycling, with vigorous effort
Water exercises:
Swimming laps with fast, vigorous effort
Treading water with fast, vigorous effort
Water jogging
Rowing a canoe in competition
Skin diving and scuba diving
Outdoor activities:
Horseback riding—trotting or galloping
Competitive sports like rugby, field hockey, and soccer
Hiking with a backpack
Mountain biking
Ice skating quickly (more than 9 mph)
Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing
House and yard work:
Carrying groceries upstairs
Carrying boxes or furniture
Baling hay or cleaning the barn with vigorous effort

Prevention is your best weapon! Be sure to get your annual physical!
By taking steps today, you can prevent health problems down the line and live longer and healthier.

5 Easy Steps to Preventative Care

  1. Get Screened: Get health screenings early to detect any possible problems
  2. Stay Active: Regular physical activity is key to reducing the risk of chronic disease
  3. Don’t’ Smoke: Smoking shortens both the length and quality of a person’s life
  4. Get Your Shots: Get a flu vaccine every year
  5. Eat Healthy: Healthy eating habits can protect your health, prevent disease, and minimize the severity of conditions you might already have
Physical Wellness
reach your wellness goals with Well onTarget®

Well onTarget®

No matter where you are on your road to wellness, Well onTarget® offers personalized tools and resources to help all BCBS members reach their wellness goals, including health assessments, one-on-one coaching, access to videos and more. Watch the introductory video here.

Did you Know?

In 30 minutes, a person who weighs 150 pounds can burn:

  • 119 Calories by Vacuuming
  • 205 Calories by Mowing the Lawn
  • 102 Calories by Cleaning the House
  • 136 Calories by Playing with the Kids

Your Physical Resources

BCBS Health and Wellbeing
Your health benefits include tools that can help you get healthier on your own schedule. See what services BCBS provides to help you on your road to wellness. Learn more at BCBS